Filmed live on stage at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA, this not-to-be-missed high energy show stars Original Broadway cast members Jeremy Jordan as "Jack Kelly," Kara Lindsay as &quo...
Filmed live on stage at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA, this not-to-be-missed high energy show stars Original Broadway cast members Jeremy Jordan as "Jack Kelly," Kara Lindsay as &quo...
The movie is comprised of six inter-related stories that tell of the frantic days leading up to the most important election ever in Malaysia. It follows the lives of everyday people, who come togeth...
A very famous and successful Santoor ( Iranian traditional instrument ) player falls in the trap of drugs and loses everything in his life gradually ! even his wife who was in love with him .he stru...
西奥多(贾斯提斯·史密斯 Justice Smith 饰)是一位非常忧伤的年轻人,脑子里整天都徘徊着自我了断的糊涂念头,也有几次,西奥多试图将自杀的想法转变成为现实,但每到这个节骨眼上,总会发生一些事情阻碍西奥多踏进另一个世界的步伐。 维奥莱特(艾丽·范宁 Elle Fanning 饰)的姐姐去世了,和姐姐感情十分要好的维奥莱特陷入了痛苦和抑郁之中。正在念书的她迫不及待的期盼着毕业季的到来,...
这部极为豪华的古装剧以1866年春天,意大利和奥地利发生冲突前夕为历史背景。描写了一名意大利贵族妇女Countess Serpieri ,背叛自己的婚姻和国家,不顾一切爱上了俊美而乖戾的奥地利军官Lieutenant Franz Mahler,两人爱得轰轰烈烈,但时代已经发生巨变,最终酿成悲剧。...