The film follows Ava, a young bank professional who is devastated when her husband Dallas abandons a marriage she is determined to fight for. But then fate intervenes, revealing Dallas’ wicked deeds t...
A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated house; but the twisted horrors he finds inside are enough to send anyone running. So why does he stay? And why a...
Grace, an aspiring model, is thrilled to have fashion photographer Hunter Kelly help launch her career. But when the photo shoot becomes a kidnapping showing Hunter's true intentions to use Grac...
故事发生在二十一世纪末,彼时地球上的各个国家终于找到了和平相处的方法。他们齐心协力,将拓展的目标放到了浩瀚的宇宙之中。然而,这片广袤的天地里还生活着其他星球的生物,在争夺资源的过程中,战争在所难免。 一场意外中,威尔(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)乘坐的宇宙飞船坠毁在了一颗陌生的星球上,同时流落到那里,还有外星人杰瑞(小路易斯·格赛特 Louis Gossett Jr. 饰)。起初...