Based on the book by the same name, the film tells the inspiring story of a 12-year-old boy, who, separated from his family by a fast moving storm, must fight to stay alive during his nine-day adventu...
《美国体育故事》还未命名的第一季由Stu Zicherman (《美国谍梦》)创作,改编自播客《Gladiator: Aaron Hernandez and Football Inc 》。故事聚焦NFL巨星Aaron Hernandez的兴衰历程,探讨他的身份、家庭、事业、自杀之间的关联,以及它们在体育和美国文化中的影响。...
Six months on, Ted (Jane) and Amanda (Chamoun) investigate a bizarre local murder and an exotic drug ring, whilst Amanda tangles with an old enemy and a new love, and Ted’s past stalks him and his f...