A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions an...
Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an ef...
Toby appears to be an ordinary dog living the simple put life, but unbeknownst to his family, he moonlights as secret government operative, Agent Toby Barks....
女教师萨曼莎(吉娜·戴维斯 Geena Davis 饰)和8岁的女儿一起在宁静的小镇里过着安逸的生活,一切都令她感到十分满意,除了她曾经失去过部分记忆这一点。在一次车祸中,她失去的记忆开始复苏,而脑中出现的一些零碎片段让她对自己曾经的身份产生了怀疑。 通过私家侦探米奇(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)的帮助,萨曼莎得知自己竟是一名联邦调查局的特工,而在调查局里,一个无...