三十年代美国经济大萧条,市面上一片荒芜。家庭主妇Cecilia(米亚·法罗 Mia Farrow 饰)白天应对沉闷的服务生工作(由于经济崩溃 ,很快也失去这份工作),晚上面对毫无情趣的丈夫。身为狂热影迷的她日日走进影院观看一部叫《开罗紫罗兰》的电影,熟习到连台词表情都能记住,电影里没有经济萧条,电影里是上流社会的宴席与取乐。这日奇怪的事发生了,戏里面的男主角Tom(杰夫·丹尼尔斯 Jeff Dan...
Peggy is an Indian girl with an unusual upbringing by a Chinese mother, and is often insulted and bullied by peers in school. One day, Marco from Hong Kong moves in next door, and through some odd cir...
Justine Juel Gillmer(《地球百子》《荒原》)编写剧本,基于哈夫特之子Alan Scott Haft写作的书籍《Harry Haft: Survivor Of Auschwitz, Challenger Of Rocky Marciano》,讲述一个男人在奥斯维辛集中营被迫与狱友进行残酷的角斗,胜利意味着能活着等待另一天的考验,而他击败的76名对手则走上了死亡之路。哈夫特承担...
In a complex tale of interweaving relationships, a Greek immigrant in London explores the meaning of what it is to love and heal. Poised follows the story of Aris, a gay Occupational Therapist who c...
The seminal question of land and the displacement of Adivasi (Indigenous) Communities in India. All the governments that have ruled the nation made laws that denied the indigenous people their way o...