美军一名飞行员在南美洲的原始森林失踪了,那里盘踞着不怎么友好的当地游击队。美军特种兵少校达奇(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger)率领部下亲自前往搜救。他们在森林里很快就发现了失踪的飞行员的尸体,死状恐怖。大家都认为那是当地的游击队干的,愤怒的队 员开始寻找当地游击队的基地,要为同伴报仇。 然而当他们发现当地游击队的营地时,发现当地人也被一种恐怖气氛所笼罩着。随后,队员们...
布鲁斯·威利斯将主演马特·伊斯坎达里([深水区])执导的动作惊悚片[长夜](The Long Night,暂译)。影片讲述两个冷血罪犯闯入一个市井医生家中,为其中一个因抢劫失败身负重伤的罪犯治疗。然而这位医生并不具备治疗罪犯伤情的医学技能,医生该如何保护他的家人呢?影片将于6月3日佐治亚州哥伦布开机。...
An orphaned teenager forms an unlikely friendship with a detective. Together they investigate her mother's murder, and uncover the supernatural force that proves to be a threat to her family....
Sometime in the near future, paraplegic prison inmate Matt Mills meets "The Board" of Satoshi-Telefair Industries, who thank him for joining the Program. Under pressure and with a promise ...