Disney+宣布把《天才小医生 Doogie Howser, M.D.》重启,并改变成女主版的《天才女医生 Doogie Kealoha, M.D.》。这部剧由负责过《老爸老妈的浪漫史 How I Met Your Mother》的Kourtney Kang主创,讲述16岁混血儿Doogie Kealoha在夏威夷担当医生。
经常被各美剧提及,Neil Patrick Harris主演的原...
来自《威士忌骑士》和《丑闻》等剧的男星Scott Foley将主演FOX电视网全新的芭蕾舞题材剧情喜剧《The Big Leap》试映集,本剧采用“剧中剧”形式,讲述一群来自各行各业的“失败者”在一档角逐《天鹅湖》新版选角的竞技真人秀节目《The Big Leap》中努力奋斗的故事。Scott Foley将在剧中饰演Nick Smart一角,是该真人秀节目的制片人。...
Two German computer pioneers who go to court in the fight against an apparently invincible opponent in order to be recognized as the inventor of the Google Earth algorithm. The series illuminates both...