Croatian erotic anthology of seven short stories directed by Irena Skoric, all revolving around sex and relationships. Five of the stories following the intimacies of straight couples, where the 6th...
Don Eppes是洛杉矶FBI探员,他和他那具备超乎常人头脑的数学天才弟弟Charlie一起侦破了在洛杉矶发生的大范围严重罪案。《数字追凶》通过一个个案例,反映数学理论是如何被应用到警方的调查之中,从而破解一件件匪夷所思的罪案。
Harry Novak, brings us a obscure but entertaining tale of the coming of age of a farmer's daughter, Moonbean (Terry Gibson), a red-head, busty country bumpkin who is the town's whore. She is c...
Lee Holloway(玛吉·吉伦哈尔 Maggie Gyllenhaal 饰)生活在一个不和谐的家庭里,从小就有“自毁”的行为,在精神治疗中心治疗一段时间回到家后,她要重新融入正常人的生活。于是她学习了打字,在一家律师事务所找到了一份打字员的工作。一开始,Lee打字出现了很多毛病,被她的雇主E. Edward Grey(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Spader 饰)发现,Grey把Lee叫到了...
Beno?t is a coward and a voyeur, who gets his kicks from watching other couples make out. He cajoles his two new companions to attempt what he has never dared do: rob the safe in his father's fact...