Best friends for life, Jane and Fiona have done everything together since kindergarten - Jane following wherever Fiona will lead. Left devastated and adrift following Fiona's sudden suicide, Jane&...
“Legacy: The True Story of the LA Lakers” is the upcoming 10-part Hulu Original docuseries from Lakers’ CEO and controlling owner Jeanie Buss and Emmy? Award-winning director Antoine Fuqua. It capture...
Somewhere in Berlin. But not just any time, this is here and now. A postman delivers a parcel and, soon afterwards, everything changes. A terrorist attack rocks a family to the core. Maxi – who loses ...
Four school friends and their singing teacher make up a fun and very promising romantic music cover band until a big fight breaks them up. Seven years later, thanks to the marriage of one of them, the...
Despite their attraction to each other and Leon's persistence in pursuing Angel, the latter's dream of becoming rich prevents them from having a lasting relationship....
“甜茶”的姐姐宝琳·柴勒梅德将与蕾妮·拉普(音乐剧《贱女孩》)、阿姆瑞特?考尔、艾丽娅·C·斯科特领衔主演HBO Max喜剧《大学女生的性福生活》(The Sex Lives Of College Girls,暂译),本剧由敏迪·卡灵出任制片人兼编剧,讲述几个出身、个性各不相同的女孩在成为埃塞克斯大学一年级新生后,在感情生活(尤其是性体验探讨)方面发生的各种状况。宝琳·柴勒梅德、阿姆瑞特?考尔和艾...