Four years after Inger Johanne Vik lived her life in Washington, working for the FBI, we find out the reasons she came back to Sweden. But will it stay in the past? Helen Tyler, the president of the U...
Jason Katims及Jeffrey Seller开发的NBC新剧《非凡戏剧团 Rise》(前名《Drama High》)是根据Michael Sokolove所著的一书所改篇,作者是具开创性的高校戏剧教师Lou Volpe的学生。这部剧集讲述在宾夕法尼亚州Rust Belt镇上一间工人阶级的高校里,有个关心家庭﹑充满热情的教师Lou Volpe(《老爸老妈的浪漫史 How I Met You...