Albert and Bruno are in the red, compulsive consumers, over-indebted, they live between petty schemes for one and a personal life adrift for the other. It is in the associative path, which they both t...
Apple TV+和《接线女孩》的制片公司Bambú Producciones联手开发了这部英、西双语惊悚剧《Now And Then》,并确定由《国土安全》的导演Gideon Raff执导前两集。 发生在迈阿密的这个故事将会探索年轻时对未来的朝气面对成年后的现实的矛盾,一群大学好友在一个狂欢周末中失去了其中的一个朋友,20年后一个突如其来的匿名威胁着剩下五个人的生活,他们只能联合起来找出幕...
Sarah Lancashire returns in the acclaimed BBC thriller written by Sally Wainwright. No-nonsense police sergeant Catherine Cawood is back heading up her team of dedicated police officers in the Calder ...
教堂中,一对新人——Melinda(詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)和Jim(大卫·康拉德 David Conrad 饰)正在举行婚礼。突然,有一个谁都看不到人向Melinda寻求帮助。原来Melinda从小就象她祖母一样,具有一种和鬼魂沟通的神秘能力,祖母告诉她这些鬼魂之所以不肯离开,是因为他们和活着的人之间还有未完成的事,并把他们叫做“土地幽灵”。因为M...
Detective Murdoch finds that the man behind a flying machine that crashes in Toronto is none other than his old nemesis, James Pendrick. He learns that Pendrick is hoping to win a $1 million prize for...