In this sequel to Code 8, Connor (Robbie Amell) is out of prison and working as a janitor at a community center, having cut ties with his former criminal associate Garrett (Stephen Amell). Connor’s at...
A struggling social media influencer discovers the house he shares is haunted. The ghost brings him and his friends fame and fortune, but with deadly consequences....
吉姆·布劳德本特将主演新片[一个人的朝圣](The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry,暂译)。希提·麦克唐纳(《正常人》)执导。该片改编自蕾秋·乔伊斯撰写的同名畅销书,讲述哈罗德·弗莱(布劳德本饰)收到20年未见的好友奎妮的一封信,奎妮患了癌症,写信告别。震惊、悲痛之下,哈罗德写了回信,在寄出的路上,他由奎妮想到了自己的人生,经过了一个又一个邮筒,越走越远,最后,...
干练勇敢的瓦莱丽(娜奥米·沃茨 Naomi Watts 饰)是CIA“打击核扩散”部门的一名秘密特工,正受命在伊拉克调查大规模杀伤性武器的存在可能,然而调查中却根本没发现任何正在进行的核武器计划,这与很多美国官员预期的结果大相径庭。瓦莱丽的丈夫乔(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰)是一名外交官,被委托在非洲调查当地是否曾向伊拉克贩卖浓缩铀,而其结果也与瓦莱丽一样,毫无发现相关迹象,随后,乔在《纽约...
Morena Baccarin and Ryan Michelle Bathé star in the ultimate high-stakes showdown between criminal mastermind Elena Federova and FBI Agent Val Turner. When they play Elena’s game, deadly truths are re...