艾瑟(蒂尔·施威格 Til Schweiger 饰)长相英俊个性讨喜,唯一的缺点就是太花心。有一天,艾瑟正在自己工作的餐厅同相识没多久的女客人偷换,正巧被同事兼同居女友多罗(卡嘉·瑞曼 Katja Riemann 饰)逮了个正着,这下可好了,不仅女友红颜大怒,艾瑟也失去了唯一的住所。
无奈之中,艾瑟的朋友将艾瑟带到了诺伯(约阿希姆·科尔 Joachim Król 饰)家,诺伯是一名同性恋者,...
When the universe's highest-flying dogs warp into outer space, Skyfetcher and Spaceslobber get a call from canine headquarters! It seems an unknown force is attacking unsuspecting planets, and it&...
A story about women, set in the present and in 1950s Warsaw. The main character is Sabina, a quiet, shy woman w...