The world outside the forest has been ravaged by a deadly virus. Young Marko is faced with losing everything as he must journey through a shattered world, shrouded in silence and overtaken by the Infe...
神龙大侠阿宝(杰克·布莱克 Jack Black 配音)再度归来,要被师父(达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 配音)强行进阶修行。系列全新最强反派魅影妖后(维奥拉·戴维斯 Viola Davis 配音)登场,神秘莫测的她可以幻化成每一个阿宝的昔日宿敌。此次阿宝又结识了小真(奥卡菲娜 Awkwafina 配音)等新伙伴,并将一同开启这场冒险旅程。...
Assigned by the professor, 5 senior university students were invited to the old mansion belongs to ML.Salukjit, an old elite who welcomes them with her weird attitude. Before the decision to leave o...