Set in 1989, Jake (Harmon), an out-of-work photojournalist who struggles with addiction and a troubled past, takes a job as watchman of a wilderness lodge on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest...
The film describes the events leading up to, and including, the massacre of the adults of a small town in Nebraska by their children, after the adults' irresponsibility ruins the crop and the chil...
As CFO, Alexander Meier fights for the survival of the company he works for. When Hans-Werner Brockmann the new appointed CEO, a hardliner, is appointed, Alexander gets involved in a power struggle ...
811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate...
安妮·海瑟薇商谈参演[他最后想要的东西](The Last Thing He Wanted,暂译)。该片根据琼·迪迪恩1996年同名小说改编,迪·里斯([泥土之界])执导。影片故事讲述一位名叫埃琳娜•麦克马宏的记者放弃对1984年总统竞选活动的报道,而为了实现父亲的意愿,她决定报道伊朗毒品交易的新闻。本片已进入前期制作...