Following the death of her father, a 17-year-old girl is sent to live with her estranged family and finds comfort in a questionable friendship with a self-destructive neighbor, leading both on a sta...
Set against the backdrop of Trinidad and Tobago's mystical Carnival, a gifted and struggling young man becomes the object of intrigue for an older, well-meaning businessman until their worlds co...
The story of a five year old little rebellious girl Vitka with her teenage cousin Larysa and her boyfriend, the young criminal Scar unfolds in a Ukrainian provincial setting. Larysa finds herself at...
G.J. Echternkamp tells the story of his relationship with his parents, his mother Cindy (Russo) and his step-father, Frank (Platt). Frank used to be a member of OXO, a band from the '80s whose o...
三十年代美国经济大萧条,市面上一片荒芜。家庭主妇Cecilia(米亚·法罗 Mia Farrow 饰)白天应对沉闷的服务生工作(由于经济崩溃 ,很快也失去这份工作),晚上面对毫无情趣的丈夫。身为狂热影迷的她日日走进影院观看一部叫《开罗紫罗兰》的电影,熟习到连台词表情都能记住,电影里没有经济萧条,电影里是上流社会的宴席与取乐。这日奇怪的事发生了,戏里面的男主角Tom(杰夫·丹尼尔斯 Jeff Dan...