The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who comes to the village with a motive....
Akerman's Toute une nuit is a collection of vignettes depicting the fancies and dramatic moments of a number of people throughout one summer night. The film has little dialogue and relies on a r...
Boozy, brassy Apple Annie, a beggar with a basket of apples, is as much as part of downtown New York as old Broadway itself. Bootlegger Dave the Dude is a sucker for her apples --- he thinks they br...
Freestyle Digital Media购得抢劫喜剧题材新片《错上加错》(A Bad Idea Gone Wrong)的北美发行权,将于11月30日在包括洛杉矶在内的10多个国内市场上映,12月1日视频点播上线。 Jason Headley导演首秀,威尔·罗杰斯、马特·琼斯、Eleanore Pienta主演。 讲述Leo和Marlon做着没有前途的工作,生活陷入困境,决定找点刺激的事...
With ruthless US and Japanese investment banks circling Tuftons, a struggling two-hundred-year-old, family-run British bank, can its bumbling, incompetent chairman, Sir Charles Bunbury, fend off the o...
An ambitious lawyer kills her gardener by mistake, fearing her chances with the law and the impact this will have on her career at a prestigious firm, she turns to her best friend to help her get rid ...