Alexis composes music through torture and pain. As a child, the brutal murder of her family made her regain her previously-lost hearing along with synesthetic abilities. Now as an adult, she’s told s...
萨玛拉·维文([辣手保姆])、卡莉·查肯(《黑客军团》)加盟黑色惊悚片[最后的清晰时刻](Last Moment of Clarity,暂译)。影片故事讲述山姆逃离到巴黎,以此忘记未婚妻格鲁吉亚(维文饰)被谋杀的事实,然而他却发现一个电影女星和格鲁吉亚非常相似,而他必须和好友凯特(查肯饰)找到格鲁吉亚的秘密。该片由詹姆斯·克里斯尔、科林·克里斯尔执导并操刀剧本。...
Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US compan...
这晚,纽约州又一名机场管理员巴克暴毙在停机坪上,尸体乾瘪瘪的被人完全抽干了所有的血。这一事件震撼了新闻界,因为先前在缅因州也发生了类似的命案,于是,“吸血鬼复活”的传言传遍了美国的大街小巷,一时人人惊慌。这晚,在马里兰州雷雨之夜,身穿漆黑大披风的夜行者再次驾驶飞机犯案,又两位无辜的市民度惨死在他手中,犯案情节竟和《吸血鬼瑞菲》的电影情节一模一样。报社主编莫里森(丹尼•莫纳汉 Dan Monah...
Claudie, a young French woman, inherits her uncle's property in Algeria, much to the disappointment of her scheming cousins Diane and Manuel. On the ferry she meets and falls for Pierre, an idle...