Wray Nerely is a struggling actor who starred as a spaceship pilot on Spectrum, a cult classic science fiction series. He navigates the odd people and incidents he encounters along the way while learn...
Six month after the first season concluded, the Russian occupation still holds Norway in a firm grip. In the first episode of the second season we follow the steps to form an exile government, and the...
AGC Television联同法国台Canal+及Fox Networks Group的欧洲+非洲分部拍摄经典科幻题材剧《世界之战 War of the Worlds》,这部改编自H.G. Wells同名小说的剧集会有8集,每集60分钟,现正于英国及法国拍摄。
这版本的主演是Gabriel Byrne及Elizabeth McGovern,其他演员包括Léa Drucker、Natasha...