A big change will once again bring them back to the start. This is a rom-com series that will make you smile, cry and happy....
San Kaew is a cunning girl who disguised herself as a boy to find her real dad. She then finally meets him. Panin, a player businessman, is shocked, then he remembered that he was once involved with a...
亨利(让·迦本 Jean Gabin 饰)经营着一家夜总会,进行一些下流艳俗的表演,擅长跳肚皮舞的劳拉(玛丽亚·费力克斯 María Félix 饰)是台柱一般的存在。不景气的经济和亨利的不善经营很快就让夜总会来到了濒临破产的边缘,就在这个节骨眼上,亨利认识了平凡的洗衣女工妮妮(弗朗索瓦·阿努尔 Françoise Arnoul 饰),在妮妮的身上,亨利看到了过人的天赋,并且开创了“康康舞”这...