1952年,妮基为了逃离麦卡锡主义时期的美国,同丈夫和女儿回到法国,但童年遭遇的不安回忆依旧在妮基的脑海中挥之不去。为了能够解脱出来,她试图从艺术中找到力量。本片是关于法裔美国艺术家妮基·圣法勒(Niki de Saint Phalle)的传记片,追溯了妮基从模特到画家的转型过程。除讲述她因精神崩溃在医院的治疗经历,更着重描绘了她的艺术治愈过程,特别是她闻名世界的以步枪射击作画的独特创作方式,还原...
In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the ...
A 12-year-old boy turns to a charismatic loner for help after being beaten up at school, in director Miles Warren’s searing feature debut about fathers, families, and the effects of fighting....
IMPALED REKTUM in jail and with an offer to play Germany's Wacken Open Air festival. Unprepared and imprisoned, the band refuses the festival slot. However, the guitarist's father goes ill and...
改遍自Jeff Hobbs的传记作品《The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace》这本书的主人公是一个新泽西州纽瓦克贫民窟里长大的男孩子,名叫罗伯特皮斯。他被耶鲁大学生物学专业录取,却在三十岁的时候,在贩毒帮派的斗殴中暴死街头。故事以罗伯特的耶鲁室友为叙述者,以旁观者的角度讲述了这个看似从原生阶级逆袭,而依然无法逃离悲剧命运的故事。The story of ...