愁云惨淡的华盛顿市,一幢普通公寓内,单身妈妈克莉丝(艾伦·鲍斯汀 Ellen Burstyn 饰)和女儿芮根生活于此。然而近一段时间,克莉丝却被女儿种种怪异的举止折磨得烦躁不堪。芮根的行为举止怪异,迥异常人。克莉丝带她求医问卜,终无所获,甚至精神科医生也束手无策。万般无 奈之下,几近绝望的母亲求助于莫林神父(马克斯·冯·西多 Max von Sydow 饰),一个有着丰富驱魔经验的老者。恐怖的夜晚...
The teenage daughter (Holly Taylor) of a religious fanatic (Bruce Davison) attempts to escape her father's delusional suicide pact after three moxia.cc strangers break down near her family's...
To the outside world Joanne is just a book-store owner, but the Conspiracy knows different. She's dangerous. She's a bellwether: a quiet leader who is well on her way to being her whole self...
Award winning writer, celebrity Mark Travis seeks inspiration by returning to his hometown. What he finds is not what he expected. Her name is Holly. What Holly would do, is like nothing Mark has ev...