乔迪(艾娃·科塔 Ava Cota 饰)在校园中一直都是引人注目的存在,并不是因为她有多优秀,而是因为她的个子实在是太高了。因为自己的身高,乔迪感到非常的自卑,却又无力改变这一事实。就这样,在逃避和躲藏中,乔迪度过了16年的时光,在这个节骨眼上,一个名叫斯蒂格(卢克·艾斯纳 Luke Eisner 饰)的男孩出现在了她的视野里,这是乔迪第一次在校园里遇见比她还要高的男孩,因此斯蒂格的出现一下子...
Nicholas Gray a young, driven executive has a secret not even he knows about. As battles with a business rival threaten to crumble Nicholas' carefully planned world, Nicholas meets a charismatic drift...
An isolated guy with cerebral palsy is railroaded into helping an unassertive comedienne, and finds love molikan.com and acceptance through stand up comedy....