In 2016, a young Australian filmmaker began documenting amateur inventor Peter Madsen. One year in, Madsen brutally murdered Kim Wall aboard his homemade submarine. An unprecedented revelation of a ...
A group of teenage girls and boys in the city of Latina, just south of Rome, and its surrounding area during a summer that will change their lives forever....
In an adventure comedy, brothers Snot and Splash (R?k? and Roiskis) try to catch a thief who is stealing holes in town, only to end up saving the entire world from being sucked into a collapsing waste...
1944: Stella Goldschlag will Jazz-Sängerin werden und träumt von einer Karriere am Broadway. Aber die Nazis beherrschen Deutschland. Und Stella ist Jüdin. Nachdem Stella zusammen mit ihren Eltern un...