Grant MacLaren and his team find themselves in FBI custody with no means of escape, while a mysterious new traveler reveals secrets to his psychiatrist....
杰克(兰迪·韦恩 Randy Wayne 饰)和罗杰(小罗伯特·拜利 Robert Bailey Jr. 饰)相识于同年时代,两人是感情十分要好的好友,如今,就读于同一所高中,他们的处境却截然相反。杰克开朗帅气,拥有众多朋友,罗杰却沉默寡言,处处受人排挤。无法忍受校园欺凌的罗杰最终选择了结束自己的生命,伴随着他的死,杰克心中某些重要的东西碎裂了。
Christian Serratos会在《莎丽娜 Selena: The Series》一剧中饰演墨西哥裔已故歌手Selena Quintanilla。这部剧由Netflix开发,被指是Selena Quintanilla的官方故事,剧中讲述她为了成为歌手的成长﹑痛苦﹑改变,如何从事业﹑家人﹑音乐中取得平衡。...
Mickey Mouse is one of the most enduring symbols in our history. Those three simple circles take on meaning for virtually everyone on the planet. So ubiquitous in our lives that he can seem invisible,...