Lucas Jackson(保罗?纽曼 Paul Newman 饰),一个越战的退伍兵,在一个喝醉酒的夜里拆掉了镇上的停车计时器而被判两年的监禁。一开始,他就挑战监狱里的领袖人物Dragline(乔治?肯尼迪 George Kennedy 饰)。Dragline个头比Lucas大得多,把Lucas打得毫无还手之力,但Lucas却一直拒绝屈服,因此赢得了Dragline的尊重。而在监狱的扑克比赛中,...
The Moliere players are in their dressing room, getting ready to go on set. One actor mentions to another that his face reminds him of an opportunist turncoat he knew when he was in the Resistance. He...
In a savage land where zombies roam freely - Lieutenant Colonel Sawyer is armed with machine guns, body armor and courage. He is on a mission to give his family a burial at sea. To reach the coast, he...