In this modern creature feature, a scary internet meme called "Grimcutty" stirs up panic amongst all the parents in town, convinced it's making their kids harm themselves and others. Whe...
Emanuelle Around the World (Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?), also known as The Degradation of Emanuelle and Emanuelle Versus Violence to Women, is a 1977 sexploitation film by Italian directo...
An unprecedented pandemic has ravaged the planet, leaving resources insufficient to maintain the human population. To combat the crisis, a totalitarian governing body known as The Bureau established &...
安娜(格莱·贝 Gry Bay 饰)一直坚信,男友乔纳(马克·史蒂文斯 Mark Stevens 饰)是自己的真命天子,但是很显然,乔纳并不这么想,他抛弃了安娜,开始了独自探索世界的旅程。一晃五年过去了,这五年里,安娜从来都没有忘记过去乔纳,终于,在日复一日的痛苦中,安娜想通了,她开始了在陌生人身上寻求安慰的混乱生活。
一次偶然中,安娜结识了名叫弗兰克(Thomas Raft 饰)的男子,弗...
高中不是世界末日,直到末日真正来临。在这部横跨多个题材的后末世剧集中,加利福尼亚州格伦代尔市充斥着一群由运动员、游戏玩家、4-H 俱乐部和其他可怕的部落组成的劫掠者。他们为了在核爆炸后奋力求生而暴力行事(在返校节当夜…真是够了!)。《寻出个黎明》讲述了一群各式各样的幸存者在这个陌生而危险的世界中求生的故事,这是一部武士传奇,一部讨喜的成长故事,一部大逃杀。这部“末世代”剧集被评级为 TV MA。