After a brief fling, Rita (spiritually minded 24 year old who identifies as a lesbian that works as a mental health worker) and Adam (25 year old flamboyant, straight career obsessed filmmaker) decide...
由Bryan Cranston和Greg Mottola制作的家庭喜剧《男孩们的冒险书 The Dangerous Book for Boys》过去被Amazon预订,现定于美国时间3月30日上线。该剧改编自Conn Iggulden和Hal Iggulden所 著的同名小说,原本在2014-2015开发季度由NBC台开发但失败,现在重新制作后被Amazon相中。
Pen15 is middle school as it really happened in the year 2000. Anna Konkle and Maya Erskine play versions of themselves as thirteen year old outcasts, surrounded by actual thirteen year olds....