艾莉森(梅利莎·乔治 Melissa George 饰)是一名攀岩爱好者,一次位于苏格兰高地的攀岩活动中,她和他的四名队友在无意之中发现了一个秘密的地下室,在那里,关着一个年幼的塞尔维亚女孩。直觉告诉艾莉森事有蹊跷,正义感爆发的她决定和队友们一同解救这个被绑架的可怜女孩。
美国某普通高中,上世纪70年代曾发生一起骇人听闻的惨案,名叫杰克(Billy Aaron Brown 饰)的男孩受到同学的排挤,结果被关在锅炉房中遇到意外活活烧死。时光流逝,当年的惨剧已渐渐被人遗忘,少数知情者也将其尘封在记忆深处,不愿提起。保罗(Preston Jones 饰)、迪安娜(Catherine Combs 饰)、丽莎(Maitland McConnell 饰)因各种原因遭到校长留校察...
When Jaycen "Two Js" Jennings, a washed-up former pro football star hits rock bottom, he is sentenced to community service coaching an unruly pee-wee football team in his hometown, he just m...
A man foils an attempted murder, then flees the crew of would-be killers along with their intended target as a woman he's just met tries to find him....
Comedy and Horror unite in this "The Breakfast Club" meets "Shaun of the Dead" tale about a group of oddball high school students who find themselves trapped in detention with thei...