入围第71届柏林电影节全景单元。 Belgrade in 1993. The pent-up tension of uncertain times is released at a children’s birthday party. While the kids celebrate in the living room dressed up as Ninja Turtles, the ad...
The colorful crew at Gotham Garage overhauls an eclectic collection of cars and trucks, trading up to a showstopper they can sell for big bucks. 个个怀揣技艺的汽车迷们齐聚哥谭改车厂,修理并改装各种各样的汽车和卡车。以小博大换取更高价值的汽车来得到梦想与...
Netflix宣布开发隔离题材限定剧《保持距离 Social Distance》,这部剧由《女子监狱 Orange Is the New Black Season》主创Jenji Kohan负责,灵感来源就是#新型冠状病毒#疫情下的隔离情况。 报导指这次拍摄模式比较创新,幕后会在线上指导演员,而演员则在自己家里进行拍摄,务求反映真实境况。 P.S:Social Distance指特意保持社交距...