The film takes the viewer back to the previous century. Its topic, raised for the first time in feature films, opens one of the most shameful and terrifying pages in the history of th...
Yura, working at a local nature museum, looking for a rare species, witnesses an arson in the forest. He brings the photos to a local newspaper, and gets a job there. With his new profession it dawns ...
那是一个遥远而又让人永世难忘的时代,一位圣者将他的名字、他的精神永远镌刻在历史的丰碑之上。备受世人爱戴的上帝之子耶稣(詹姆斯·帕特里克·卡维泽 James Patrick Caviezel 饰)为生活在穷苦和磨难中的人们带去了希望和喜悦,与此同时他的存在也触犯了教廷和统 治者的利益。他拒绝着魔鬼的引诱,而门徒犹大(卢卡·莱奥内罗 Luca Lionello 饰)则抵抗不出金钱的魅力,他为此出卖了耶...
The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Pro...