New York sportswriter Mack who spent years devising successful hook-up "plays" with best friend Adam and crew, unexpectedly falls for one of the targets and learns what it takes to go from...
1910年,“飞行器”是那个时代风行一时的事物。然而正因为它刚刚诞生,一切还处于起步阶段。英国每日邮报主编劳德·罗恩斯(罗伯特·莫利 Robert Morley饰)策划组织了一场从伦敦飞往巴黎的竞赛。而这次竞赛的目的,就是为了彰显英国种族的优越。如果一切都按照预期发展,不出所料的,他的女婿理查德·梅斯(詹姆斯·福克斯 James Fox饰)将赢得比赛。竞赛的新闻一经发出,就得到了来自世界各地飞行器...
What if a web cast, LIVE on Halloween, turned out to be a real life survival game? What if the people hunting them are a rogue military? What if all eyes from the around the world are tuned in, and wi...
Just days ago, Elizabeth Derby (Heather Graham) was a successful psychiatrist with a loving husband and the world at her fingertips. Now, she finds herself locked up inside a psych ward after the mu...
艾迪(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)刚刚结束了他长达10年的监狱生活,可是,刚刚出狱,梅弗劳尔夫妇就找到了他,希望他能够帮助他们偷窃一种特殊的水晶,这种水晶用于500年前达芬奇(Stefano Molinari 饰)发明的点石成金机,是如今人人趋之若鹜的珍宝。
想要洗心革面的艾迪并不像再做违法的勾当,无奈梅弗劳尔夫妇绑架了他的好友汤米(丹尼·爱罗 Danny Aiello 饰...