Paternity Leave, directed by Matt Riddlehoover, is a romantic comedy slated for release in 2015. Greg (Jacob York) finds out that he's pregnant with his partner Ken's (Charlie David) baby. Dum...
Sabina and Esther's relationship is pushed to breaking point when international exchange student Annie comes to stay. The Exchange is a new feature film from the creators of Flunk....
罗兰·拉菲特([她])、艾玛纽尔·贝克特([我的国王])主演新片[外出时刻]( L’heure de la sortie,暂译)进入拍摄后期。本片由塞巴斯蒂安·马赫尼耶自编自导。故事讲述皮埃尔因一位年轻老师自杀,作为填补进入圣·约瑟夫学院工作。他很快发现这里青少年散发着一种敌意。本片预计8月2日杀青。...
本片讲述了意大利黑手党格莫拉的5个故事:13岁男童托托(萨尔瓦多?阿布鲁兹Salvatore Abruzzese 饰)近墨者黑,逐渐堕落;马可(马可?马克尔 Marco Macor 饰)和希罗(希罗?帕冲Ciro Petrone 饰)一心想称霸,结果横尸街头;因为丈夫涉黑,妻子玛利亚(玛利亚?纳棕娜丽 Maria Nazionale 饰)锒铛入狱,她把孩子托付给帮派同伙弗兰克(托尼?瑟维洛 Ton...