Arden is devastated by the death of her true love, Mia, and tormented by the powers of dark magic with which she has been cursed. She leaves her home world to travel to Earth, in pursuit of the evil s...
After several mysterious accidents, A Live Action Role Playing game is interrupted and the players leave the bunker while the staff remains behind to investigate the disappearance of Greg, the masterm...
故事发生在十九世纪的伦敦,故事中所出现的人物均为著名作家狄更斯笔下的角色。亚瑟(约瑟夫·奎恩 Joseph Quinn)和艾米莉亚(塔彭丝·米德尔顿 Tuppence Middleton 饰)悲痛的埋葬了父亲的遗体,让亚瑟感到震惊的是,父亲竟然没有将一分一毫的遗产留给他,这让他在内心里偷偷买下了复仇的种子。 皮条客费金(安东·莱瑟 Anton Lesser 饰)打算将女孩南希(Bethany...