Prey is coming to Hulu August 5
“Prey,” an all-new action-thriller from 20th Century Studios directed by Dan Trachtenberg (“The Boys,” “10 Cloverfield Lane”) and the newest entry in the “Predator” ...
NASA在2005年的时候发现了一个太阳系外的类地行星,并判断其上可能存在智慧生命。为了能与外星智慧生物接触,NASA启动“灯塔计划”,在夏威夷启用深空通信阵列基地,向其发射高功率信号进行试探。几年后,外星飞船不期而至。身处夏威夷的太平洋联合海军演习舰队受命进行接触。男主角海军中尉阿历克斯(泰勒·克奇 Taylor Kitsch 饰)所在的导弹驱逐舰及其他两艘军舰被作为侦查小队,受命接触外星舰船。...
In a dystopian future, the Vatican knows how to resurrect people. A priest discovers a conspiracy behind the resurrections and their possible link to a series of murders....
Two hundred years after Mary Shelley's novel the brilliant but mad Doctor (Thomas Kretschmann) has sustained his creature and himself over two centuries through genetic experimentation. In present-day...
影片由家喻户晓的科恩兄弟导演,电影原声大碟获得第44届格莱美最佳年度专辑大奖。 30年代初,密西西比州荒野的监狱里,唠唠叨叨、油嘴滑舌的艾弗瑞特(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)整天打着各种逃跑的鬼主意。在成功说服了狱友——头脑简单的德尔玛(蒂姆·布雷克 ·尼尔森 Tim Blake Nelson 饰)和贼大胆的皮特(约翰·特托罗 John Turturro 饰)之后,艾弗瑞...