一战前,德国人祖(奥斯卡·威内尔 Oskar Werner 饰)和法国人占(亨利·赛尔 Henri Serre饰)在巴黎结识。他们意趣相投,对诗歌和小说都有强烈而共同的兴趣,甚至二人为着同一个雕塑也着迷。顺理成章地,祖与占都爱上了同一个女子:聪明貌美的凯瑟琳(让娜·莫罗 Jeanne Moreau饰)。 在这样的关系中,占选择了成全温柔单纯的祖。他们一起到乡间度假,度过了美妙时光。然而一战的...
12-year old dreamer Vlad likes telling fantastic stories about his courage to his summer camp friends, although he is a bit of a coward himself. But one day Vlad finds himself in a real adventure as h...
Within the space of 24 hours, Feña is swept through the extremes of human emotion, when people who seemed to disappear when he transitioned are suddenly back in his life. What counts are not just th...