1.Life and Death:Officer Nolan and the entire team race against the clock to locate Lopez after she is kidnapped on her wedding day, not only to save her life but her unborn child’s. 2. Five Minute...
In the future, technology will be able to make the lives of every kid easier. See what happens when childhood curiosity leads to chaos in Circuit Breakers, premiering November 11 on Apple TV+ ....
Tariq tries to resume his normal college life; Brayden provides Tariq an escape; Monet makes plans for the business to protect her children; Cane seeks out a new family to take the streets for himself...
本季情节贴合80年代的标志性事件,包括核战电影《浩劫后》(The Day After)的上映、前总统里根的星球大战演说、大卫-科波菲尔让自由女神像「消失」的神奇魔术。第四季的核心情节是「这个苏联间谍家庭如何生存(如何自保)」。与此同时,被囚禁在俄罗斯的双重间谍Nina有可能重返美国,与前情人Stan Beeman团聚。请注意这个「有可能」,因为现在谁也说不准。Jennings家的小儿子Henry本...