The film is set in southern Georgia, which until the end of XIX century was dominated by the Ottoman Empire. The tragic time to be born people of high strength of spirit, such as Antimoz Iverieli - ...
For three Border Patrol agents working a remote desert checkpoint, the contents of one car will reveal an insidious plot within their own ranks. The next 24 hours will take them on a treacherous journ...
Life at the border is very tough. The land is stony and dry, farmers plough fields of sand and illegal trafficking seems to be the only way to make a living. In Deliviran, a village near Urfa close ...
Scared of life and lacking the courage to be himself, Ludovico lives hidden away in his grandmother's old apartment. One night, the wickedness of the world goes to visit him in the form of Jack, a boy...
《最后一越》将讲述众人在《越狱》正剧最后的大结局忽略掉的四年之间发生的事。 迈克尔(文特沃斯·米勒 Wentworth Miller 饰)在同伴的帮助下搞垮了“公司”, 但迈克尔脑中还有一个肿瘤。就在他和怀胎八月的莎拉(莎拉·韦恩·卡丽丝 Sarah Wayne Callies 饰)结了婚,还来不及度蜜月享受新婚生活时,莎拉就因为杀了克里斯蒂娜·斯科菲尔德而被捕关进了Miami-Dade女子...