越战期间,美军大量征兵。大批年轻人应征入伍,在新兵营接受“残忍”的训练。“傻瓜”比尔运动神经不发达,常常犯错而连累所有人一起受罚。“小丑”(马修?莫迪恩 Matthew Modine 饰)奉命帮助比尔,但比尔还是老犯错误,连累其他人。大家忍无可忍下打了他一顿,比尔从此变得精神恍惚,在新兵营毕业前夕枪杀教官后吞枪自杀。
Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghost. But things turn chaos when they can't control...
At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dressers, Taew opens a new apartment but soon someone commits suicide in a room - or maybe its murder. That is the start of crazy an...
上一集的大屠杀之后,杰森和十个年轻人的尸体被警方收敛,然而在医院中,杰森再次醒来,将夜班医护杀死,不知所踪……保罗、莎拉(Barbara Howard 饰)等六个年轻人租下了林中的木屋度假,木屋旁边住着汤米、丽丝姐弟以及他们的母亲一家。保罗等人到水晶湖中戏水,全然不知这里曾经上演的血腥故事。汤米和丽丝因汽车抛锚结识了自称是猎熊人的青年罗布(Erich Anderson 饰),罗布拜访汤米一家后在森...