The British espionage drama "MI-5", provides more shocking twists and turns in its third season. Tom Quinn (Matthew Macfayden) disappears following a shooting and new man Adam Carter (Rupert...
Simultaneously appearing over every major city in the world, the Visitors (or V's) arrived offering us the wonders of their technology and promoting peace. While the world quickly embraced the V...
当地球的英雄流亡动荡的不可思议的绿巨人的一个遥远的行星称为Sakaar的肌肉紧张的绿色怪物是卖为奴隶,被迫参加对地球的专制红国王格斗游戏。 But soon, the Hulk joins forces with his fellow slaves to fight for freedom -- and a chance to get revenge on his earthly foes.但很快...
On a remote US Army facility a group of scientists conducting top secret weapon experiments vanish. An elite covert ops team comm...