有前科的Johnny (Scot Williams饰, 《The Crew》)卷入了一场抢劫案中。他们计划去偷黑帮头目“精明的”Eddie (Paul Freeman饰, 《Raiders of the Lost Ark》, 《Hot Fuzz》)在家里藏匿的一百万美金黑钱。但是Johnny不知道的是另外还有7个恶徒也在打这笔钱的主意。...
After attempting to trick someone already down on their luck in order to win a workplace competition, a telemarketer with the gift of gab will find out whether he can talk his way out of a hostage s...
Mandy is a mother, a writer, a nihilist. Mandy is a modern woman in a crisis. Raising a son in the midst of a female revolution, mining the pain of her parents’ separation and professionally writing...
奥利弗(马克·莱斯特 Mark Lester 饰)是一名孤儿,从小在教会中长大。九岁时,奥利弗被派遣到工厂做工,之后又来到殡仪馆成为了学徒。奥利弗的聪慧和机敏让他很快就在殡仪馆里站稳了脚跟,但与此同时,他亦遭到了同伴们的妒忌,他们故意挑衅激怒奥利弗,最终奥利弗离开了殡仪馆。 无家可归的奥利弗过起了四处流浪的生活,经过漫长的旅途,他来到了伦敦。一个名叫道奇(杰克·瓦尔德 Jack Wild 饰)的...