With the quarantine finally over, the new season of "Mythic Quest” finds everyone back in the office (well, almost everyone), attempting to build upon the success of Raven's Banquet by launch...
The series centers on Julio Lopez, a punk-ass bitch with a heart of gold who goes out of his way to help everyone but himself. Inspired by the life and stand-up comedy of star, co-creator and real-lif...
《斯巴达克斯:竞技场之神》(Spartacus: God of Arena)实际上就是《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood And Sand)的前传,在这个Batiatus家族崛起的故事中,Lucy Lawless和John Hannah成为人们关注的焦点,他们在Spartacus成为被俘的色雷斯奴隶前就已经是Batiatus家族的优胜者...
根据畅销小说《Women meijubar.net of the other world》改编。主人公Elena Michaels是一名女摄影师。她一直隐藏着自己的真实身份并努力过着平常人的生活。可惜事与愿违,一通神秘来电打破了她平静的生活。从古至今一直是狼人庇护所的Stonehaven接连出现尸体,狼人族群收到未知猎人的匿名威胁。被迫回到Stonehaven的Elena能否揭开血案后的真相?她又...