1979年,罗马梵蒂冈教廷意识到和恶魔撒旦有着莫大关系的一名女婴诞生在纽约,二十年后,距离本世纪还剩最后三天的12月28日,撒旦(加布里埃尔·伯恩 Gabriel Byrne 饰)以一名人类银行家的肉身重现人间,丧失了妻女的前任警察杰瑞克(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)和自己的安保团队受雇于伪装的魔鬼,为其提供保护。不久一名神父冒死狙杀撒旦,不幸失败,他在临死前向...
In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers have suffered at his hands. But one victim uses her...
In the 19th century, a sadistic nobleman terrorizes the members of his family. He is found dead, but his ghost soon returns to haunt the residents of his castle....
资深特工伊森·亨特(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)也有百密一疏时刻,他在接收最新任务时遭到神秘组织“辛迪加”的暗算落入对方手中。辛迪加是一支由全球各地前特工组成的秘密组织,此前一直被CIA视为空穴来风。在对方成员伊莎·福斯特(丽贝卡·弗格森 Rebecca Ferguson 饰)的帮助下,伊森逃出生天,并及时向威廉•布莱德(杰瑞米·雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)汇报了辛迪加确...