Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to kno...
Inspired by HBO's acclaimed drama "True Detective," Investigation Discovery brings to life actual homicide cases through the words of the law enforcement officers who are still haunted b...
Melodrama detailing the real-life love affair between feminist writer Vita Sackville-West (Janet McTeer) and novelist Violet Keppel (Cathryn Harrison) against the backdrop of post-World War I England ...
Lukas, a young farmer whose family is killed by savage raiders in the countryside, sets out on an epic quest for revenge, forming an unlikely trio with a majestic dragon and a swashbuckl...
“Amber Brown” is an unfiltered look at a girl finding her own voice through art and music in the wake of her parents’ divorce. The series will star Carsyn Rose (“The Rookie,” “Cousins for Life”) as Am...