Cinderella's Hot Night presents a lively retelling of the classic fairy tale...with a slightly more mature, erotic twist. Follow the adventures of the bewildered Cindy as she falls prey to her wic...
Salomé is 69-year-old and doesn't want to grow old in a society that pays little attention to elderly people; thus, she has organized her disappearance. She plans her last evening in detail, as sh...
A struggling fashion designer takes on a job working as a personal shopper for a successful erotic novelist. Things get steamy between them, but soon they will be confronted by someone who knows about...
An encounter. Between waves and cliffs. The night. In a week, he gets married. For years, she no longer believes in pleasure. They meet. They play. They speak. They want each other. As a gift - unco...
Walker, an international assassin/hitman, is compromised during a mission. His handler sends him to a Reassignment Center at which Walker will be processed for a new identity. During his stay at the f...