Former Colonel Fernandez is appointed Minister of the National Anti-Drug Agency (SENAD) and purges the special forces to fight the first of many battles against drug trafficking on the border of Parag...
While the rest of us - the other 7.9 billion people here on Earth - are going about our daily lives, looking straight ahead, there are another six people living off our planet 250 miles above our he...
本片根据米兰·昆德拉的同名小说改编。1968年,布拉格外科手术医生托马斯(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day-Lewis 饰)生活在对女人追逐的快乐中,享受着性的快感。画家萨比娜(莉娜·奥琳 Lena Olin 饰)是托马斯的红颜知己,但在一次去温泉疗养院出诊的过程中,托马斯结识了女招待特蕾莎(朱丽叶·比诺什Juliette Binoche 饰)。不久,特蕾莎只身来到布拉格,二人结婚。托...
A virus breaks out and a chilling massacre rages through the streets of Montevideo. The sick become hunters, and only calm their fever by unscrupulously killing all those not yet infected. Unaware of ...