A seemingly trivial case of a small carpentry business that has gone bankrupt under mysterious circumstances gets Mads' attention. Claudia is released after one and a half years in prison but her ...
USA将在《机器人先生》(Mr. Robot)季终集后播出《落梦若水》的特别预览,也就是完整的首集。该剧正式首播是在10月13日。这是电视编剧Henry Bromell(2013年3月去世)生前开发的最后一批项目之一。Blake Masters和《行尸走肉》的执行制片人Gale Anne Hurd参与制片,Juan Carlos Fresnadillo担任导演,剧本由Blake Masters和H...
After several mysterious accidents, A Live Action Role Playing game is interrupted and the players leave the bunker while the staff remains behind to investigate the disappearance of Greg, the masterm...
第三季以全球经济危机为大背景,与丹麦议员竞选相结合,起因是一家大型家族旗下的一艘废旧轮船里面惨死的船员,随后 sarah 探长凭借她特有敏锐洞察力,开始了又一次扑朔迷离的办案过程,不仅为大家揭露了政治经济阴谋,更赤裸裸地展现了人性的阴暗面。
以下全文摘自@newlight 的影评《The Killing III 开播》:
丹麦电视连续剧 The Killing 3 (Forbrydel...