克丽丝·梅斯(《我们这一天》《美国恐怖故事》)将主演新片《不可能的事》(The Impossible),Fox 2000制作。基于Joyce Smith所著自传《The Impossible: The Miraculous Story of a Mother’s Faith and Her Child’s Resurrection》,讲述一个不同寻常的真实故事:Joyce14岁的儿子John在...
影片根据加拿大作家Jane Rule创作的小说“Desert of the Heart”改编而成,背景设置于美国许多地方不允许离婚的1950年代。主人公之一是35岁的英文教授薇薇安,她为了离婚来到法律相对宽容的内华达州雷诺市,暂住在一间农场为离婚官司和流程做准备。严肃的薇薇安因此结识了农场主弗兰西丝的继女凯伊,凯伊比她年轻10岁,平时在赌场打工,是一个对取向不做掩饰的活泼女性。尽管薇薇安意识到...
Ronald Miller is tired of being a nerd, and makes a deal with one of the most popular girls in school to help him break into the cool clique. He offers her a thousand dollars to pretend to be moxia.cc...
Flamin' Hot is the story of Richard Monta?ez, the Frito Lay janitor who channeled his Mexican American heritage and upbringing to turn Flamin' Hot Cheetos into a snack that disrupted the food ...