A man with spiritualist powers is told by his mentor that a demonic entity is returning to destroy his daughter's soul, and that he should take drastic measures to prevent this from happening....
影片根据加拿大作家Jane Rule创作的小说“Desert of the Heart”改编而成,背景设置于美国许多地方不允许离婚的1950年代。主人公之一是35岁的英文教授薇薇安,她为了离婚来到法律相对宽容的内华达州雷诺市,暂住在一间农场为离婚官司和流程做准备。严肃的薇薇安因此结识了农场主弗兰西丝的继女凯伊,凯伊比她年轻10岁,平时在赌场打工,是一个对取向不做掩饰的活泼女性。尽管薇薇安意识到...
An ambitious lawyer kills her gardener by mistake, fearing her chances with the law and the impact this will have on her career at a prestigious firm, she turns to her best friend to help her get rid ...