The stranded Colonials struggle to survive under the brutal Cylon rule of New Caprica, but when Galactica returns to save humanity, the fledgling Fleet resumes its search for Earth. The Cylons, afte...
Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to kno...
Months after the explosion at the Inferno, Hugo sets out to find the one responsible and avenge Triana. Meanwhile, Macarena tries to abandon her sex addiction with the help of an enigmatic guru....
After reconnecting with her mothers side of the family, Billie Carter (Jessica Mauboy) returns to the city finally knowing that she is Jack Nortons secret daughter. Which means shes now a millionaire....
'M'entends-tu?' is a dramatic comedy that plunges us into the unusual daily life of Ada, Fabiola and Carolanne, three long-time friends from the midst of poverty....
Inspired by HBO's acclaimed drama "True Detective," Investigation Discovery brings to life actual homicide cases through the words of the law enforcement officers who are still haunted b...
A small time thief-turned-undercover cop teams up with his old criminal partners to infiltrate a street gang involved in a brutal war over territory....